Living the Weller Life
– February 2021 –
Bloody Mary’s
Last week we had a delicious afternoon as we prepared Bloody Mary’s with 3 delightful recipes to choose a winner. David, Sydney, and Libby prepared their recipes and the residents had to try all 3 of them to cast a vote. What pairs well with Bloody Mary? How about grilled cheese bites? Much fun was had by all tasting the cocktails. And the winner was – Libby, her outfit was decorated with bacon olives, lime, and a stalk of celery of course!
Mardi Gras
To celebrate Mardi Gras last week we went all out!! We started with creating our special Mardi Gras personalities with our Masks. We used shields and we were so creative (and safe!). We had a fun afternoon eating the delicious King Cake which we made into individual servings. We had a parade of our Mardi Gras ladies and our birthday boy (Tom turned 90) had his special time with all the ladies. Steve came in to entertain with some inspiring piano music and cocktails really got the party started!
Rice Krispy Snowmen
Have you made Rice Krispy snowmen? We all had such fun making these delicious little men. As you will see they were some creative liberties taken in the decorating. At the end of the day.. they were quite the delicious treat!
Veterans Day
#throwbackthursday to our Veterans Day event to honor those who have served our country. Our Members and staff participated in a beautiful outdoor ceremony. Check out the photos of our day below!
Yoga Class
On Tuesday during our yoga class with our Wellness team.. our focus area was on the arms! They were a little sore so we wanted to get the blood pumping and get those muscles stretched out! We love when our Members put in the hard work!!
Monday Afternoon Irish Coffee
We’re always making our Mondays awesome at Summit Hills! Our Members recently enjoyed a delicious Monday afternoon Irish Coffee! It was Irish Cream Coffee Day and we celebrated with the perfect cup! Check out all of these smiles!!